When a special needs trust is needed, careful consideration should be given so beneficiaries who also are receiving government benefits are not impacted by an inheritance. A special needs trust provides for the beneficiary’s discretionary needs in a manner that is intended to avoid disqualification from government benefit programs.  So, properly administering a special needs trust will protect the beneficiary.

To assist you with this process, we have prepared a list of amenities that can be paid for from the trust without impacting the beneficiary’s government benefits. We hope that this resource will provide you with an understanding of administering a special needs trust.

Please keep in mind that every special needs trust is as different and unique as each family.  Changes in state and federal law and regulations may affect the administration of a special needs trust and impact the distributions to the beneficiaries who qualify for government benefits. To assist you with this process, we have prepared a list of amenities that can be paid for from the trust without impacting the beneficiary’s government benefits. We hope that this resource will provide you with an understanding of administering a special needs trust.

To understand how these factors may apply to your unique situation or obtain more information regarding a special needs trust, please connect with Pam Cross or another member of the Rhoades McKee Estate Planning and Trust Administration Team.


Download: Understanding a Special Needs Trust

Understanding a Special Needs Trust

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