The current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has prompted extraordinary public and governmental response, and with it, many practical questions for employers.  We are not medical doctors, and there is an abundance of advice available on-line about common-sense measures employers and employees can and should take to reduce the chance of exposure.  We also know that the correct balance between employee safety, employee morale and disruption of ordinary business operations is unique to each business.

What we hope will be helpful here, however, is guidance regarding legal issues presented by the unique (but now astonishingly common) workplace problems created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessary efforts to mitigate the risks of exposure to the virus.  With this resource, we have attempted to answer key questions but certainly recognize, at this point, we are unable to predict additional issues that may develop.

We are always available to be a sounding board and seek to offer business guidance.  As additional issues become relevant, we will continue to offer you resources that can assist you in navigating the legal issues at hand. If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact a member of the Rhoades McKee Employment Law Team.


Download: An Employer’s Guide to Navigating COVID-19

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