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January 30, 2018
Build Your Playbook Economic conditions in West Michigan continue to favor organizational growth through acquisition. This interdisciplinary panel will provide real life applications and strategies to help executives identify and manage the next organizational growth opportunity. Our panel will share insight on the following: Sourcing proprietary (or “off-market”) acquisitions Structuring and financing the deal Conducting […]
January 24, 2018
This conference will explore aspects of legal and practical issues that arise as people age including estate planning essentials, caregiver collective, Medicaid planning and pitfalls, and current topics in elder law. Presenters will identify differences between wills and trusts, how to avoid legal entanglements with your family, differences between Power of Attorney and Patient Advocate, […]
January 23, 2018
Retaining a divorce attorney requires careful consideration. When a marriage ends, spouses and their children often face a perfect storm of stressful decisions: new living arrangements, parenting schedules, and of course issues concerning property and money. Your attorney will inform you about the legal process, explain how the courts interpret the law and will help […]
January 23, 2018
The recently enacted tax act significantly changes the way businesses will be taxed. The tax rate for C corporations was changed from a progressive-rate system with a maximum rate of 35% to a flat rate of 21%. Combined with a Qualified Dividend rate of 15% for many taxpayers, the combined tax rate on corporate earning […]
January 22, 2018
“I am honored to utilize my knowledge and experience to contribute to the development of our services.”
January 16, 2018
The cost of business entertainment just got more expensive. The good old days of deducting expenditures to entertain clients and customers has come to an end. Under the recently enacted tax reform, no deduction is allowed with “respect to an activity generally considered to constitute entertainment, amusement or recreation.” While portions of the current IRS […]
January 15, 2018
Happy New Year! Our Commercial Litigation Team would like to say THANK YOU to the many accountants, financial advisors and other professionals for the confidence you show in our team by referring clients to us in the past year. Our commercial litigation team has worked diligently to develop unique capabilities in finance, accounting, and business valuation, […]
January 8, 2018
Patrick R. Drueke has been elected to a three-year term to serve on the Executive Committee at Rhoades McKee. Grand Rapids’ fourth largest law firm, Rhoades McKee enjoys a statewide reputation for providing transactional and litigation legal services to corporate institutions, family run businesses as well as individuals with personal family matters. As a member […]
January 4, 2018
The Michigan Court of Appeals recently published a new opinion clarifying expert qualification for nursing experts and the standard applicable to a request for permission to disclose a new expert following a ruling that the party’s timely disclosed expert is unqualified. Cox v Hartman, ___ Mich App ___; ___NW2d ____ (2017) (Docket Nos 333849, 333994). […]
January 4, 2018
The civil jury trial is a fundamental part of our democracy and has been a part of our country since its inception. Yet, many people do not realize that, in present-day America, civil jury trials are exceedingly rare. Statistics from Ottawa County prove this point. From 2012 to 2016, 2,082 civil cases were resolved through […]